How to configure eclipse plug-in for erlang



. min read


In today's time eclipse IDE is a great software for software development. As the eclipse is coming in support for many languages so it can be used for developing software in those languages because eclipse makes code development very easy and provide helps during code development.

Here we are going to discuss how to configure eclipse erlang plug-in, I am using eclipse juno for his discussion. If you want to download then please download the same from site :

Erlide Plugin

Erlide is providing the eclipse plugin for erlang. Copy given erlid url :

Configure eclipse for erlide

Follow below mentioned steps for installation:

  1. Help->install new software
  2. One window will populate - add site address :
  3. Click on “Select All” button and proceed with Next button.
  4. It will ask for some agreement, click agree and then finally your eclipse is configured to use erlang plug in.
  5. Now restart your eclipse.

Now configure plugin

  1. Go to menu windows-> preferences
  2. Now expand erlang tree and configure installed run times like given below

Congratulations you are almost done with it now only testing part remains.

Creating a Hello World erlang program using eclipse:

  1. Click File-> new ->erlang project
  2. It will ask for some name give some name like testProject.
  3. Suppose you gave project name testProject, then a folder in eclipse will be made which will contain many folder like src, ebin, include etc.
  4. Now src and ebin are the ones which are of our usage.
  5. In src folder we create our module for hello world.
  6. Create module using manu File->New ->module
  7. Below mentioned screen will appear

And then - 

  1. Fill detail as mentioned in the above figure.
  2. Now click apply and then finish.
  3. 11. Finally you have to create a module. Now you need to write code in this module for printing   Hello World.
  4. Write below code
%% @author USER

 %% @doc @todo Add description to hello.


 %% ====================================================================

 %% API functions

 %% ====================================================================



 "Hello World".

 %% ====================================================================

 %% Internal functions

 %% ====================================================================

Now compile erlang program using c(hello) and after that execute it using hello:say() command.

Thanks for reading this discussion related to erlang plugin. See you for more discussion related to erlang.

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